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The core-program of the WCSJ 2019 program has five main components, or tracks.



In 'Science' you'll hear the latest developments in a range of fields from top scientists and journalists. A sample of what's to come:

  • While we are warming: what societies can do to adapt to climate change.

  • Mental illness, science, and the global health agenda.

  • Biodiversity: the hidden global crisis.

  • The promise of deep seabed mining.



In 'Beyond cheerleading' we'll take a critical look at the way science is done, its relation to society, and our role as science journalists. Among the sessions in the works:

  • How to find and report on scientific fraud around the world.

  • Reporting on harassment and bullying: how to protect your sources and yourself.

  • We need to talk about CRISPR-Cas9: a “House-of-Commons” style debate about gene-edited plants, animals, and people.

  • Avoiding techno-hype: How to report - and not to report - on 'big fixes.'

  • Writing about science for religious audiences.

  • Preprint publishing: a new dawn of transparency or a long dark night of misinformation?

  • Covering meta-analyses and systematic reviews: a crash course



'State of our trade' is the track where we'll take a look at our own craft and business. Here's a sample:

  • Reinventing the business model: new ways to make a living from science journalism.

  • "Enemies of the people:" journalism in the age of strongmen and populists.

  • Women science journalists unite!

  • The audience: how to build it, get to know it, and keep it.

  • Freelancing from the Global South: challenges and opportunities.

  • New at the World Conference: the first ever global meet-up of LGBTQ science journalists.



The 'skills and tools' track will help you leave Lausanne a better science journalist. Among the things we have in store:

  • So you want to create a podcast - now what?

  • Tracking the merchants of doubt: a tour of online investigative resources.

  • How to judge statistical results as a non-statistician.

  • Get started with data visualization.

  • The reality of Augmented reality: how it can enhance science storytelling.

  • How to write - and sell - a science book in the 21st century.

  • Forget the press release: how to find story ideas in new and unusual places.

  • The pitch-slam: come and sell your story pitch - in public! - to a panel of seasoned editors.



Finally, 'fun and entertainment' brings the lighter side of science and journalism. Among the highlights:

  • Let's manga! Science told through comics.

  • The confession session: A place to admit how you messed up as a science journalist - and learn from other people's mistakes.

  • Science and Hollywood: Meet the people behind the best science and science fiction movies.

  • Come and join an improv theater class - you'll be surprised by how it might help you.

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