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Roberto Salvarezza, a prestigious scientist with experience in management, first in an scientific institute and later in the national administration, decides to get involved fully in politics as a congressman. The progressive reduction of funds for science and the shrinking of the scientific system because of the suspension of research programmes mean that Argentina could enter a new phase of brain drain. Many in the scientific community are organizing themselves into groups that are converging into a national front so that their voice is heard. Salvarezza’s role as congressman will channel the claims of the scientific community.


Part 1 - From laboratory to Congress

Biochemist, nanotechnologist, former president of the main scientific institution of Argentina and national deputy. Who is Roberto Salvarezza and how did he become the voice of science and technology in the Argentine Congress?


Part 2 - A Scientist in the Political Maze

Roberto Salvarezza left the laboratory to move into the political arena. A year after taking office as national deputy, how has his entrance into Congress changed his life? A sense of his days as a representative of the science and technology sector and the struggle to resist the Government budget cuts.


Part 3 - The Political Mind of a Scientist

In an environment of budget cuts and loss of opportunities for scientists in Argentina, Roberto Salvarezza is trying to give voice in the Congress to the demands of the scientific community and is working on formulating proposals to revive the area of science and technology in the face of the upcoming elections. How do his passion for science and his political aims coexist?

Bruno Massare

The journalist


Bruno Massare was born in Buenos Aires, where he currently resides. He is an editor at Agencia TSS (Universidad Nacional de San Martín) and a frequent contributor to Le Monde Diplomatique Cono Sur. He teaches at Editorial Perfil-Fundación Favoloro’s Diploma of Scientific Journalism. He graduated with a degree in Journalism from Universidad J.F. Kennedy and he’s doing PhD studies in Social and Human Sciences at Universidad Nacional de Quilmes at present. He is currently vice president of the Argentine Network of Scientific Journalism (RADPC). 

Roberto Salvarezza

The scientist

Roberto Salvarezza has a PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Buenos Aires  (UBA) and is a senior researcher of the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET). In his career he has done outstanding work in the area of nanotechnology and nanoscience. Salvarezza has been a visiting professor and researcher at several European universities and has been involved in the management of national and international projects. In the 2017 national legislative elections, Salvarezza was a national congressman candidate from the Province of Buenos Aires, for the Unidad Ciudadana Electoral Front. After being elected, in December 2017, he added another string to his academic bow by assuming the role of deputy (the lower house) in the National Congress. 




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